IP Expertise: A commercial and legal assessment of your registered and unregistered IP rights
Combining IP expertise and commercial acumen
Our expertise includes IP valuation, IP audits, freedom to operate and patent landscape analysis across all technology sectors and encompassing both registered and unregistered IP rights. Our team includes qualified IP professionals as well as professionals with first-hand industry and commercial knowledge across a wide range of technology and commercial sectors.
Supporting commercial decisions
Our IP expertise supports clients with investment, fund raising, technology in- and out-licensing and corporate restructuring decisions.
Analytical tools
We use industry leading patent databases and analytical tools including tools for patent landscaping. Along with these tools we have developed a number of proprietary IP auditing assessment tools and IP valuation models which our clients benefit from. We are experienced with valuing all forms of IP using conventional cost based, income based and comparator based approaches. Our IP analytics are informed by our wider commercial knowledge across different industries to give pragmatic advice to clients set against their commercial context.
Industry Sector Lead:
Rupert Osborn
Managing Director
+44 (0)203 176 0584
Recent Projects
- A valuation of a multi-million pound annual royalty stream due to a UK-based research organisation arising from sales of a blockbuster drug by their licensee.
- Patent landscape and analysis of graphene related global patents for a leading UK Russell Group university.
- An IP audit of an environmental research department within a UK Russell Group university to help identify technology opportunities that could be commercialised or otherwise disseminated to maximise their impact.
Recent Projects
- A patent landscape of the gene editing space with an emphasis on gene editing for aquaculture and animal breeding for a global animal health vaccine company.
- Advising an Irish university on the value of a patented telecoms system including assisting with comparable deal terms as part of the university’s plans to spin the technology out into a venture-backed company.
- Advising a UK pharma biotechnology company on the value of their underlying IP as part of a corporate restructure.
Recent Projects
- Advising a UK software company on the value of their anti-viral software product for tax accounting purposes.
- Providing a freedom to operate analysis for a UK university in support of a significant translational funding application to undertake a clinical trial of a novel Parkinson’s Disease stem cell therapy.
- Developing an IP valuation and licensing framework in the functional food sector for an Irish food health initiative in order to help inform future licensing to industrial partners.
Future Food Sources: Market Developments and Intellectual Property Landscape
The white paper focuses on three areas: Animal Product Replacements, Alternative Protein Sources and Future Farming Technologies.
Project Outcomes
- Providing a comprehensive valuation of a multi-million pound annual royalty stream due to a UK-based research organisation arising from sales of a blockbuster drug by their licensee. The purpose of the valuation was to help inform the organisation in its subsequent successful negotiations to monetise part of this royalty stream.
- Providing a patent landscape for a UK research institute as part of an overall market assessment investigating the opportunity to produce omega-3 fish oils in genetically modified plants leading to the institute securing significant additional translational funding to undertake field trails and industry testing of the resulting oil product.
- Undertaking IP valuations for a meningitis B vaccine clinical phase candidate and a respiratory syncytial virus pre-clinical vaccine candidate for a Dutch government institute, including providing business development support to help the client complete a major joint development and licensing agreement.