Future Food Sources: Market Developments and Intellectual Property Landscape

Feeding a growing population in a sustainable, environmentally-friendly manner has become a major challenge that traditional agriculture cannot address. This has given way to a new industry that we refer to as the Future Food Sources industry.

This white paper looks at three key segments of the industry: Animal Product Replacements, Alternative Protein Sources and Future Farming Technologies. Academic, market and patent trends show that most segments are at a relatively early stage but have been undergoing rapid growth and expansion over the last few years.

A combination of market research and patent landscaping provides an overview of the Future Food Sources industry, with a focus on the future product developments and applications of technology in other industry areas. The white paper also incorporates details of key organisations, factors affecting the market, licensing, partnerships and collaborations.

The applications of the technologies are well-aligned with the areas of expertise of IP Pragmatics: Food & Nutrition and Agritech, and more broadly, Human Health and Animal Health. 

Click on the link below to download the full white paper.


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